Monday, July 2, 2007

Waiter, there's a fly in my soup! Oh, nevermind. It's just my bird.

I removed my bowl of lentil soup from the microwave and set it on the counter, only to have Pippin swoop down and land IN MY SOUP. I removed the soup-soaked bird from my dinner and tried to coax her into the sink for a bath. She would have none of that. Well, I didn't want her dripping lentils all over the apartment so I held her on her back with one hand and grabbed a wet washcloth with the other. Generally, she is quite opposed to this position, but today, instead of clucking and squirming, she remained still....and seemed to enjoy the sponge bath. In fact, she's been a lot cuddlier in general over the past few months. She enjoys being pet a lot more, and let me tell you, petting a bird is really adorable. :)

Still, I wish she would stay out of my soup. And I still think she needs a full bath. (I don't know why she doesn't want one. It's been 108 degrees for the past several days. You'd think she'd welcome the water! But no.....just soup.)

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