Saturday, July 28, 2007

How convenient

I'm trapped in my house by monsoon rains, a flat tire and a small rock avalanche blocking my way to the tire store.

So...yeah. Fanfiction.

Okay, this is the only post-DH I've read so far and mostly because it's light and silly and helps make up for the epilogue.

Here's the non-spoilery (for Deathly Hallows) summary from the author's website: Trying to keep your ship from sinking? Dislike the ending of the Deathly Hallows? Find the writing style out-of-place? Want to dismiss it for all your fic-writing purposes? Here's a quick, easy fix.

The Special Edition by alena_hu
Warning: This very short fic contains significant spoilers for Deathly Hallows and will really only make sense after finishing DH.

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