Monday, July 9, 2007

Prison Break fics

This is primarily for my benefit because I don't think anyone who reads my blog reads PB fanfic, but you never know. I'm just trying to keep track of my favorite PB fics. I've only watched through S1, so there are no spoilers beyond that.

Trick of the Light
(lovely, long Michael/Sara with major spoilers for S1 finale)

It takes her a long time to fall asleep. When she does, she dreams of him, dreams of walking with him on the beach, touching his hands, his mouth soft and warm as she kisses him. When she awakens, alone in her bed in Chicago, the tears on her lips taste like seawater and the distant noise of traffic sounds almost like the ocean.

The Difference Between a Rule and a Law (gen-ish, pre-series about Michael and Lincoln)

Rules one hundred and twenty-one through one hundred and forty-four are codes of conduct for Michael. They state how he is to act, what he can and cannot say and do, and exactly what names he is not allowed to call Lisa, Veronica, Stacy, Blonde Kim, Fat Kim, Detroit, Annabella, Shaniqua, Katarina, LaToya, Latricia, Nicole or Mary-Sue.

Michael has broken every rule from one hundred and twenty-one to one hundred and forty-four.
Rule two hundred and two states that Lincoln will never deal with the Aryan Brotherhood again.

Rule number two hundred and seventy-one is Never abandon your brother. No matter what.

Rule number two hundred and ninety-nine is blood is thicker then water.

Rule three hundred states that there is only one law that matters.

Law number one says you do not abandon your brother.


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