Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Our schools may be low-ranking, but our suicide rate is one of the highest....

...and other dubious distinctions.

According to this week's Tucson Weekly, the Tucson metro area has the 3RD highest suicide rate of any metro area in the nation!! Isn't that awful? The article is about why no one really talks about it or does anything about that fact. As they point out, if two Arizonans were dying everyday from West Nile, it would be major news. But an average of two Arizonans die from suicide everyday, and no one seems to know.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Entertainment Update


*Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull-- This is not a movie to inspire deep (or any) thought. However, it's a moderately enjoyable action movie that will likely serve its probable purpose-- acting as a bridge from the Indiana Jones franchise to the Son of Indiana Jones franchise.

*Prince Caspian-- Although I did not like this movie as much as The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, I still thought it was pretty good. There are a lot of changes from the book though, some understandable (such as beginning the movie with the birth of Miraz's son) and some not. For instance, take this quote from Aslan to Lucy:
Movie: "Every year you grow, so will I."
Book: "Every year you grow, you will find me bigger."
At first blush, the statements seem the same, but on deeper analysis, the intent is quite different. This is an example of inexplicably changing dialog from a book...when the original would have fit just as well and conveyed the true meaning more accurately.

I also felt that the movie could have been shorter. Some of the sword fighting seemed to drag on a bit. Despite those qualms, I feel that the movie still conveys at least one of the themes of the book-- that God has not abandoned us even when life is difficult. Now I know a lot of people don't want to take the book in that allegorical context, and that's fine. However, C.S. Lewis was rather clear about the Chronicles of Narnia and the values he hoped to convey. Authors-- even authors of contemporary fiction-- are necessarily architects of their own world. The creation and structure of these worlds always betrays their world view. Some authors are just more explicit about it than others.

*Juno--I just watched this on DVD and found it immensely enjoyable. It has the right mix of sweetness, humor and seriousness that is rather hard to come by.

*God Grew Tired of Us-- This is another documentary about the Lost Boys of Sudan. It's really depressing. I may comment on it more later.


*Dexter Season One-- I like this show a lot. Although Dexter's personality is psychologically improbable (those traits would not co-exist within the same person), it's an interesting show that reminds me of both CSI and The Pretender. I think people relate to Dexter because his greatest dilemma is that no one really knows who he is...and if they did, they would reject him. Even though (most of us) are not going around killing people, we tend to think the same thing.


*I Speak for This Child-- I'm in the middle of reading this nonfiction account of a Guardian Ad Litem (aka Court Appointed Special Advocate). It's compelling, if not particularly hopeful.

*The Time Traveler's Wife-- I am almost exactly in the middle of this book. I really like it. I may say more when I finish.

*Wicked-- I'm listening to this on audio book in the car. It's very different than I expected and the "feel" reminds me a bit of the Canterbury Tales, for some odd reason. I think it's the bawdiness. Anyway, it's interesting and keeps my attention...but I wouldn't say I actually like it. Partly, I don't find the characters very likable. Maybe the second half will change my opinion.

All for now....

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Natural Remedies

There's such an abundance of "natural" treatments and concoctions, & it's hard to know what's going to work and what's just pretty packaging. Here are a handful of things that have worked for me:

(1) Heather's Tummy Tamers Peppermint Oil Capsules with Ginger and Fennel
-- You can get peppermint oil capsules at just about any health food store or natural food market, and I find all brands helpful. However, this is the brand that works best for me, and I think it's the addition of ginger and fennel. Take it for general lower GI disturbance, stomach cramps, etc. (I've heard that peppermint oil should NOT be used if you have problems with gastric reflux or heartburn, as it can exacerbate the condition.) You can get this brand at some health food stores, or

(2) get relief by The Republic of Tea--- This tea is part of The Republic of Tea's Wellness Red Tea line and is also for tummy troubles. I think it works best for general indigestion/ yucky feeling. Besides rooibos, it has cinnamon, anise and peppermint. I find the taste pleasant enough, though not the most delicious tea I've ever tried. However, I start to feel better within I'll take it! Also, The Republic of Tea is based in Novato, California, which is a very special place to me. You can get the tea at upscale markets, health food stores, their website....probably Pottery Barn and places like that!

(3) EmergenC-- I'm not sure why the mega dose of C and B vitamins must be delivered via fizzy drink mix, but this stuff really helps fight illness and general blahs. I don't think the taste is repulsive, but I don't particularly like it either. (I've had orange, tangerine and raspberry...and feel the same about all.) However, Trader Joe's recently came up with their own (cheaper) version, and it is SO disgusting!! I'll stick with EmergenC. You can get this at a lot of drug stores, health food stores, Trader Joe's, etc. Usually at health food stores, you can buy one or two single packets to see if you like it. (If you have a sensitive stomach, like me, know that mega doses of vitamin C can cause diarrhea. So...don't take more than one packet per day...and maybe take it along with a low dose of Immodium.)

(4) oona PMS2-- The title is a little misleading because it's really not for PMS. (oona has another product-- PMS1, in a green tin-- that's for PMS symptoms. No idea if it works. They also have a menopause product, and again, haven't tried it.) This one is for menstrual cramps. It says it helps with a bunch of other things too-- like muscle aches and nausea-- but it doesn't really. However, it does help with cramps to a very significant degree, particularly if I follow the directions and start taking it a couple of days before my period. The active ingredients are Cramp Bark Extract (apropos!) and ginger. This product can be a little difficult to find, but try your local health food stores and/or natural markets. You can also get it at or, though buying it from either of those places will generally cost more than trying to find it in town.

Okay, enough for now, but feel free to share your own "finds" in natural health!

The only place outside of heaven.......

I've been thinking about this quote from C.S. Lewis:

If you want to make sure of keeping your heart intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket of your selfishness. But in that casket — safe, dark, motionless, airless — it will change. It will not be broken — it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. The only place outside of Heaven where you can be perfectly safe from the dangers of love is Hell.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Enough of this

I have felt like crap all day and just got home and noticed how HOT my face was feeling and took my temperature. Yeah, I have a fever. Again. I feel like I've been sick since Dec.