Friday, July 6, 2007

Lifehouse and my fabulous 4th

Well, the weather was much cooler than expected-- only 110-113 instead of 117-- and I had a great time at the 4th of July concert. (However, at least one person was sent to the hospital with heat stroke, and one of my friends left early due to heat-related illness.) Lifehouse was the headlining band, and Rocco Deluca and The Burden also played. I love Lifehouse, and I've loved them since their first CD. Their first CD was definitely the best, second was good, third kinda blah...and I don't have their newest one (released 2 weeks ago) yet. They played a great mix, with plenty of their "old" songs. They didn't play my favorite Lifehouse song ("Breathing") but they played my second favorite "Somewhere In Between" (well, that ties with "Sick Cycle Carousel" depending on my life at the time...but usually a tie):

I can't be losing sleep
over this, no I can't
and now I cannot stop pacing
give me a few hours
I'll have this all sorted out
if my mind would just stop racing

cause I cannot stand still
I can't be this unsturdy
this cannot be happening

this is over my head
but underneath my feet
cause by tomorrow morning
I'll have this thing beat
and everything will be back to the way that it was
I wish that it was just that easy

cause I'm waiting for tonight
and then waiting for tomorrow
and I'm somewhere in between
what is real and just a dream
what is real and just a dream
what is real and just a dream

would you catch me if I fall out of what I fell in
don't be surprised if I collapse
down at your feet again
I don't want to run away from this
I know that I just don't need this

cause I cannot stand still
I can't be this unsturdy
this cannot be happening, yeah

cause I'm waiting for tonight
and then waiting for tomorrow
and I'm somewhere in between
what is real and just a dream
what is real and just a dream
what is real and just a dream
what is real and just a dream

[Jason Wade wrote that when he was 17. Not bad.]

Jason Wade truly has an excellent voice. He's very personable with the audience too, which makes things fun. During one of the songs, a tarantula walked right in front of the stage, and as the security guy tried to scoot it away, Wade said, "No, wait, bring that back! He's my pet tarantula. Bring him up on stage-- he does tricks!" As security looked at him askance, he said, "No, I'm kidding! Get that thing away from here." Then he added, "I've been touring for 8 years, and that's one of the strangest things that's happened during a show. I was just singing, and this tarantula walks right in front of me, and it's THIS BIG [spreads his arms several feet]!" Heh.

I was there with several friends, and we alternated standing right in front of the stage and hanging out on our blanket (to cool off, rehydrate and give our eardrums a break). One of my friends returned to the blanket after a long time down by the stage. "Are you deaf yet?" I asked. "WHAT?!!" she shouted. "Can you still hear?" I asked. "HUH?" she responded. Yeah. But I agree, it was much more fun down by the stage (ringing ears and all). I like feeling the bass through my whole body, the beat almost like emotional CPR. It's like being part of the pulse of something greater than yourself.

The fireworks were fun too and lasted for almost 30 mins. The recorded music for the fireworks could have been better (or they could have had one of the live bands play), but all in all, they were enjoyable.

1. I didn't win $10K. The person right in front of me won. I got $100 though so I don't feel like a loser.
2. No Kiefer Sutherland. I didn't really expect him to be there, but when they announced Rocco Deluca, they said, "And maybe Kiefer Sutherland will jump out of a bongo drum during the concert." Okay, no, I didn't think Kiefer was in a bongo drum (it would be way too hot), but I thought maybe he was there and was going to make an appearance. Sigh. No Kiefer. (Or maybe he was in a bongo drum and was overcome by heat exhaustion.......)
3. They didn't play "Breathing." :(
4. Lifehouse played "You and Me." Okay, I know this is the radio single for their third album, but I don't like that song. I find it boring and tedious. Oh, well.

I had a great time anyway.

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