Saturday, July 28, 2007

Get out while there's still time!

Does anyone read this? (I tend to think people don't...and then out of the blue, someone will mention something I posted. Oddly jarring.) If not, I think I'm going to start posting weirder stuff. You've been forewarned.

BTW, if I ever get a black dog, I'm going to name it Sirius or Padfoot. Heh. But if I get a golden retriever, I think I still want to name it Frodo. I was going to get an African Grey and name it Arwen, but now I'm thinking a green cheeked pineapple conure might be better so I'll have to come up with a suitable name. Other people plan the names of their kids, but I plan the names of my pets. Hey, I have a friend who wants to marry a guy named Hugh just for all of the song insert potential ("I love HUGH," "I can't live without HUGH, etc.). That is so ridiculous that I feel that any potential pet-naming cannot even touch that level of insanity.

I just read an interview with Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki (Dean and Sam from Supernatural) that was in a Norwegian magazine and translated into English online. It is very clear that they did not expect this interview to be read in English because their answers are weirder and more honest than any other interviews I've read from them (and they're weird, in general...and very hands-on). It was pretty funny though. I wonder if they know that it's floating around. (Hey, they should know by now to watch what they say around people with pencils and notepads!) Example:
- What's your biggest pet peeve?
- Tabloid press and reality TV. That's some of the worst shit ever. Why does the younger generation care to read or watch that kind of crap? Are they completely stupid and brain dead? It's just sad, Jensen explains and shakes his head.
Jared taps him on the shoulder.
- Relax. The people you're talking about probably watch Supernatural.
- Yeah, and that's good, but that's not really the world's most intellectual show either. Though we are forced to say something else and we're of course thankful that we have a job.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm out here reading! :-)

Still raining there? It's thundering here....

Regent reunion this Saturday... :)