Monday, February 25, 2008

Why my bird is the smartest budgie bird. Ever.

Well, of course Pippin's cage is palatial and not well-suited for taking outside (too bulky) so last spring, I bought a little $10 cage for taking her out on the porch. She enjoys going out when the weather is nice, and the sunshine is good for her. For the past few months, the weather hasn't been warm enough when I'm home so she hasn't been out. So...on Sunday, when I tried to put her in the little cage to go outside, she had a birdie freakout.

After trying to bribe her with her favorite food (to no avail), I took her on my shoulder and brought her over to the sliding glass door that leads to the porch. She got excited listening to the birds and feeling the sun. So...I pointed to the cage and explained to Pippin that if she wanted to go out on the porch, she would need to go in the cage. She sat on my hand and let me put her in the cage immediately and waited patiently for me to get a magazine and open the door so we could go out.

Pretty smart, huh? :)

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