Thursday, February 21, 2008

Imaginary compatibility

Awww...but Dean is prettier....and I think some other quiz said he would be a great tv boyfriend for me! I think the deal-breaker was that I said I didn't care about the Impala. Oh, well-- Sammy actually IS more like me, though I don't know if that really means we're more compatible. (For example, there could be excessive brooding, and if neither of us care about cars, will we have to go to Jiffy Lube?)

Anyway, Supernatural tonight was classic Supernatural! I watched it and felt productive because I just got $30 from the Nielsens Ratings people to watch tv and complete a tv diary. Cool, huh? What I watch will affect the ratings. I'm going to go feel superior now......

ETA: I keep trying to fix the quiz results, but it's just not working. The quiz said I was "not compatible" with Dean but "probably compatible" with Sam.

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