Sunday, February 17, 2008

Here's what I'm watching......

*Prison Break-- I'm sad to say that I haven't been all that impressed this year. I sincerely hope this season is the last, because, really? How many prisons can these guys break out of? Also, they killed my second favorite character...and sunk my 'ship.

*House--I love Dr. House! He's ornery and unethical and self-centered...and hilarious! I don't really care about any of the other characters, but I love Dr. House.

*Brothers & Sisters-- I knew that this show could be great, and this season, it's finally getting there. As I said before, they have the dream cast for an intergenerational drama, and the writers are finally making use of the considerable talent at their disposal. One caveat-- This show seems to suffer from the same "infidelity virus" as Grey's Anatomy. It seems like half of the characters are cheating on their spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend...which gets old. As much as its depicted in tv shows and movies, I wonder if infidelity really is as prevalent as they would have us believe. My guess (or hope?) is that it's not.

*Supernatural-- I love this show. There are fleeting moments of depth, but for the most part, I agree with svmadelyn (on LJ) when she writes,
Oh, Supernatural..... You have lowered me as a person, quite possibly, and I am content to roll about in the dirt, and *thank you* for it. For you feature Sam 'stormcloud on stilts' and Dean 'good with knives, guns and his hands' Winchester (the former descriptive from some story that resonated with me that I cannot seem to recall just now, lalalala and la) and I am happy to watch you glazed eyed, in all your pretty, pretty splendor.

*Sigh* Yep.

And that's about it......

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