Saturday, December 20, 2008

Summary of what the Mayo endocrinologist said

You have hyperthyroidism. No, wait, you have HYPOthyroidism. No, that's just because we did the nuclear scans too soon after your CT. You have hyperthyroidism. You probably have Grave's disease. Take this medicine. No, wait, you probably DON'T have Grave's disease. You have thyroiditis. Don't take the medicine. Just get your blood drawn in two weeks.

So, basically, something's wrong with my thyroid, but they don't think it's all that related to THE BIG PROBLEM that no one can seem to diagnose. The thyroiditis may have been triggered by THE BIG PROBLEM, but seems to be slowly resolving on its own.

So...what now? I have no idea.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, Steph, it does sound so frustrating. I pray that the Lord will encourage you in some way today.