Friday, September 21, 2007


Yesterday morning, a woman was killed on my street while she was walking her dog. The dog was killed too. (The driver of the car swerved 18 feet off the road and hit her.) Then last night, a woman was killed while crossing the street near the school where I work. (I didn't leave work until 9 PM so I was still at work.)

I've been watching Season 2 of both Supernatural and Prison Break. Car "accidents" occur quite frequently when trying to make someone disappear. :: looks around suspiciously :: Maybe I should just stay inside.

Random fact: I wore a pedometer the other day when I was at work. I walked 4.6 miles just during the day! need for walking on dangerous streets! :)

Anyway, I finally got the real Disc 3 of Prison Break, and this show is too awesome for words! Aww...we love Michael...and Sucre...not so much T-Bag and C-Note. Sarah Wayne Callie is an extremely good (and under-recognized) actress. Pet peeve: I normally like listening to commentaries after watching the episodes. After listening to a couple on the Season 2 DVDs, I stopped because they would say things like, "Oh, yeah. He was a great actor. Too bad we killed his character three episodes later." Hey! Thanks for ruining the surprise. >:/

Supernatural Season 2 is a fun ride. There's a lot of crying. Jensen (Dean) is a much prettier crier than Jared (Sam). Jared kind of scrunches his face up and looks a bit pig-ish...or constipated. Pet peeve: Jared broke his arm early into the season so he-- and by default, "Sam"-- is wearing a cast for several episodes. This is never explained, and Sam continually does things that he obviously could not do with a broken arm. I think they should have had a quick Dean statement like, "Yeah, Sammy, too bad you got your arm broken fighting that ghoul." Come on? Did they really think we wouldn't notice? And how did he get the cast? They are wanted men. Oh, well.

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