Saturday, August 4, 2007

Mini Media Report

*Movie: Arctic Tale-- The baby polar bear is dead, and it's all your fault. A friend had free passes for this documentary so I went with assorted co-workers, kids and extraneous others. It was okay-- a documentary about how global warning has affected polar bears and walruses. My friend's six year old said, "I'd see that again if I had to." Yeah.

*DVD: Blood Diamond-- I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. It's one of the best that I've seen in a long time. It's suspenseful and thought-provoking, but it has moments of humor too. (DiCaprio's character is from Rhodesia, which was interesting to me because last year I read a memoir of a woman who was also white and grew up in Rhodesia. That one's called Don't Let's Go To the Dogs Tonight.) I don't want to say too much about the movie, but I'd highly suggest renting it.

*DVD: Weeds, Season 2-- I'm not sure how I started watching this show but I blame Dani. I don't think it has a single redeeming value, but it makes me laugh. A lot. Way more than it should. For the uninitiated, S1 introduces us to Nancy, a recent widow, who lives in an upscale, gated community with her two boys. Wanting to keep her lifestyle, but not having marketable skills, Nancy ends up selling baked goods with a special ingredient. One of the special features on S1 DVDs is a cookbook with recipes for everything from brownies to pot (ha!) roast, all with measurements for "herb of choice." In S2, Nancy and her motley crew of investors start growing. Nancy's trying to keep everything from unraveling, but she's got a tiger by the tail and is not at all in control. One of the special features for this season is an instructional short about how to grow, say, tomato plants in your closet (and yes, they actually use air quotes and say "tomato plants")-- including what type of light fixtures you'll need, watering, nutrients, when to harvest, etc. I'm not recommending this show. Not at all. But it does make me laugh.

*DVD: Supernatural-- I know that even in a year, I'm going to look back and say, "What was I thinking?" but I love this show right now. I finished S1, and I'm waiting for the release of S2 DVDs (though I'm not as excited about that as I am about PRISON BREAK S2 DVDS releasing in Sept.!!!).

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