Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Hatching and such

Monday was Pippin's 5th Hatch Day! Happy Hatch Day, baby bird! I got corn bread to celebrate. (Frosting is too sticky on the beak.) I always tell Pippin that I'm thankful for her efficient hatching because the breeder had promised to hand raise for me the budgie that hatched first. And she was the first....and if she'd taken a longer time pecking her way through the shell, she wouldn't be my bird. :( Anyway, she seemed pleased with our little corn bread celebration, and I didn't make her wear a party hat. :)

Tomorrow (today) is Dani's! Happy b-day, Dani, even though you're in NY and probably not reading this. Have fun. :)

When I went to go get my mail today, my neighbor's granddaughters (ages 13, 11 and 3) were out in the yard and wanted to perform Doodle Bop songs for me. Well, the 11 year old insisted that the 3 year old wanted to sing the songs, but it turns out that the older two actually know ALL the words to ALL the songs and have a little dance routine that goes with it. It was pretty funny. They pouted a bit when I suggested that perhaps they were ready to go back to JR HIGH (since they were singing songs from preschool cartoons)! When their mom saw their performance, she said to me, "You can tell they're starved for attention..... Well, starved for an AUDIENCE, anyway!"

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