Saturday, April 7, 2007

Random thoughts on dogs and men (but not about when men are dogs...or even that they are)

I met a 13 year old golden retriever named Lucy today. She had just been to the groomer and was so silky and gorgeous! I got to pet her for half an hour while giving her owner (who just moved from San Francisco) job search advice. She (the owner not the dog) invited me to come pet Lucy anytime.

This week, I heard about a couple of friends having babies or getting married (or both), and I was thinking about how many of my friends are married now or are in a serious relationship. While I'm really happy for them, I don't really wish I were in their position...which is odd since that seems to be the response of almost every (still) single friend I have. It's not that I don't want to get married; it's more that I don't care that much either way. A lot of people say, "Well, when that right person comes around, you'll feel differently." I'm sure that's true. If I met "that guy" tomorrow, I would probably have a different view. But...almost all of my single friends (and my married friends when they were single) really want/ed to get married even before they met (married...and now some, divorced) THE ONE. I'm not saying my feelings are better or worse. I really don't know. I'm just making an observation. I was talking with someone about it last year (someone who has known me for quite some time), and she said that maybe it was because I was so unhappy for so long that now that I feel like I have my life back, I don't want to put it in someone else's control. That may be part of it, but even when I'm unhappy now, I don't really think a boyfriend or husband would solve it. (And no, I'm quite sure a female partner would not either before you ask...because I know at least one of you would! Yes, you.) Actually, the golden retriever sounds the best. (But no, I still can't take Lexie. I need a yard first.)That's convenient since a sweet, loyal, compatabile, even-tempered golden retriever is much easier to come by than a husband with the same qualities! :)

1 comment:


hahaha, i was going to ask! you know it!!