Thursday, April 12, 2007

Maybe I need to lower the quality of my work a bit

As a "reward" for completing the BIG GRANT narrative, I was sent two additional grants to edit today. Okay, 80 pages of technical writing. I can handle that. Got it done.

So...about an hour ago (yes, 9 PM), my supervisor calls to ask me to write drafts for two MORE state grants. Oh, and they're due a week from tomorrow. She just sent me the documents about the grant-- over 100 pages. And I get to write two grants. This week. Yay. It's not really my supervisor's fault as her supervisor just told her today that the grants must be written...and my supervisor is still working on the budgets/etc for the six that are due on Monday. But still...sigh. I'm tired. I hate grants.'s not like I don't have other (work) things to do. I have four parent/volunteer/student/staff celebrations next week, and I expect over 100 people at one of them. I have to coordinate the food and the kids and the staff, etc. I still have to drive around to all of the sites tomorrow to pick up timesheets and sign and code them and take them to the district offices. I still need to deal with all of the student, volunteer, parent and staff issues. I could use a few more people just to get this all done.

So...if I haven't called you back or e-mailed, this is part of the reason why.

1 comment:


ahhh, so the mystery becomes clear! you are in fact, even busier than i!