Saturday, November 13, 2010

Media update

I am SO behind on updating my book reviews that I'm just going to post this list with my little grades and thoughts that I shared on FB.

Books-- Nonfiction

*Mold Warriors (Ritchie Shoemaker)--C
This has really good information for those who are genetically susceptible to biotoxin illnesses. However, it's poorly written and poorly organized and could be reduced to about a fifth of its current length. However, I'd still recommend it for those who have known mold exposures or those who are chronically ill.

*The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse (David Johnson & Jeff VanVonderen)-- A
Highly recommended for Christians, even those who are in a church that is healthy...because it will help you be aware of the difficulties others have faced and equip you to minister to them

*Lady in Waiting (Jackie Kendall)-- C

*O Me of Little Faith (Jason Boyett)-- B+
(I actually want to say more about this one later.)

*Methland (Nick Reding)-- B
Very interesting book, well-researched.

*Healing with Whole Foods (Paul Pitchford)-- B

*Lost at School (Ross Greene)-- A+

I've successfully used Greene's approach with families before, but I wasn't quite sure how to implement it in a school environment. This book explains how, and I can't recommend it highly enough. If you work with kids or teens, please read this! Have I mentioned that I think all school & youth counselors, teachers and administrators should read this? You'll come away from this book encouraged about the kids who normally want to make you bang your head against a brick wall. You'll have some strategies, and your head (and the kids) will thank you.

*Stuff Christians Like (Jonathan Acuff)-- B

Funny but I think you could get a lot of it on his website

*House Rules (Rachel Sontag) -- D

*The Heart of Christianity (Marcus Borg)-- C+

*Steering by Starlight (Martha Beck)-- B+
This is kind of a "sequel" to Finding Your Own North Star...more do-it-yourself life coaching.

*Radical Acceptance (Tara Brach)-- A

Although this is from a Buddhist perspective, I think a lot is applicable to those with other worldviews as well. The author is a clinical psychologist and does a good job explaining ideas of mindfulness and compassion.

*Why I Stayed (Gayle Haggard)-- B

Definitely worth reading, even though some of my conclusions would differ from the author.

Books-- Fiction

*Catching Fire (Suzanne Collins)-- A
Second book in the Hunger Games trilogy

*Mockingjay (Suzanne Collins)-- A+
This is the last book in the Hunger Games trilogy. It's the first series in a LONG time where I felt that the conclusion was both unexpected and satisfying. I can't recommend it highly enough, both for teens and for everyone else. It's a very intelligent trilogy that manages to be pretty deep (if you want to go there and think about the ethics of war and revolution and the cost to human life in military combat vs. the cost to staying oppressed), but at the same time, extremely accessible for even reluctant readers due to the constant action & suspense. The only caveat is that it is quite violent, but the violence is the complete opposite of gratuitous.

*Into the Wilderness (Sara Donati)-- B

Oft compared to Diana Gabaldon-- and rightly so. Light historical fiction with romance

*Whistling in the Dark (Leslie Kagen)-- B

Fabulous "voice" and great use of a somewhat unreliable narrator. Set in the 1950's, 10-year-old Sally O'Malley and her younger sister are basically left to fend for themselves when their mother becomes ill. At the same time, Sally works to solve the murders of two little girls in the neighborhood. It all sounds very depressing, but it's actually a pretty fun book.

*Take One (Karen Kingsbury)-- C-

Eh...not bad but not that great. Apparently, this is a spin-off series from another series by the same author, and not knowing the characters made it a little confusing.

*Traveling Light (Katrina Kittle)-- C-

"I'm thinking of what Sarah said: 'Love is watching someone die.'" -Death Cab for Cutie
I don't know what I was thinking to choose this book-- I don't like books in which a main character dies. And yet, before I began reading, I knew this was a book about a woman caring for her brother with end-stage AIDS. I can't really say that I expected a different outcome. Anyways, I think the characters are well-developed, and if you just want to read a sad book, this would be a good choice.

*Two Truths and a Lie (Katrina Kittle)-- B-

Considering that this book includes a main character who communicates empathically with animals and another who remembers some of his past reincarnations, this could easily have been a disaster. Surprisingly, it's not! It's actually a very character-driven suspense/mystery story that would make a great beach read.

*Thank You for All Things (Sondra King)-- C

*The Kindness of Strangers (Katrina Kittle)-- B

Absorbing. Somewhat reminiscent of Jodi Piccoult but better. Subject matter is probably too intense for many, but if you know me, you know my idea of a happy book is rather different than that of many other people. ;)

*Blankets (Craig Thompson)-- B+

Interesting and resonant. Don't be put-off by the length of the book (about 500 pages). Because it's a graphic novel, it's a fast read.

*When You Reach Me (Rebecca Stead)-- B (This past year's Newbery Winner)

Mix A Wrinkle in Time with The Time Traveler's Wife and A Bridge to Terabithia, and you'll get something like this enjoyable but intricate Newbery winner. I'd recommend it for tweens and young teens who like to ponder life's mysteries. :)

*Voyager (Diana Gabaldon)-- B-

Enjoyable. Not great, but I do like the characters. (You have to read the other books in the series before reading this one, or you will be extremely confused.)

*The Way Life Should Be (Christina Baker Kline) -- B-


*Sunshine Cleaning-- B

*Paper Heart-- C+

*Up-- A

*The Blindside-- B

*Fantastic Mr. Fox-- B

*The Hangover-- D


*Big Love, Season 3-- B+

*United States of Tara, Season 1-- A

*Lie to Me, Season 1-- A

*The Wire, Season 1-- B

*The Wire, Season 2-- B

*The Adventures of Mark and Ollie-- B

*Damages, Season 2-- B

*Criminal Minds, Season 5-- B

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