Sunday, March 30, 2008

Media Report

It’s been a while since I’ve done this so here’s a look at what I’ve been watching, listening to and reading:


-Definitely Maybe—This was definitely cute and different enough from the usual romantic comedy that I enjoyed it. I didn’t love it, but I was entertained. It’s bittersweet, but the story will resonate with many young single parents. (Sometimes the happy endings are different from our expectations.) Good music.

-Stop Loss—Another “good-not-great” movie. I liked the premise, music and style, but the movie suffered from a little too much melodrama and some overacting.


-I’ve been getting home so late that I pretty much miss prime time. With the writers’ strike and the general quality of the broadcast offerings, I don’t think it’s much of a loss. I do like House, though I haven’t caught much of it this year. (I’ll rent the DVDs.) I’m a little ashamed to say it, but I like what I’ve seen of Dexter (the “good” serial killer). I’ve thought about getting the DVDs from Netflix, but I need to find out if the broadcast version is significantly edited from the Showtime/DVD version (because I don’t want any more gore). The main character (Michael C. Hall) was also a main character on Six Feet Under, and he’s a good actor (especially for playing really weird characters).

Does anyone else think there has been an extreme proliferation of game shows?? I hate game shows.


-I actually put my Netflix subscription on hold because I just wasn’t watching enough DVDs. Right now, I’m watching Season 2 of Arrested Development (a gift from a friend). I think he’s going to loan me Torchwood next.


-Coraline (Neil Gaiman)—This book is odd and creepy. I’ve heard it compared to Alice in Wonderland, and I suppose there are some similarities. It’s more like an alternate/parallel universe though. There were places where I thought the author could have gone in a different (and better, IMO) direction, and sometimes it seemed like he was being weird for the sake of weirdness. Overall, though, it’s effective as a creative, almost-horror story…without ever becoming bloody or gory. I’m ordering some copies for the middle schoolers because I think it will especially appeal to that age. (I believe the book is being made into a movie.)

-Secrets in the Dark (Frederick Buechner)—This is a collection of sermons, but it’s so awesome. I’ll write more about it when I finish the book.


-Little Voice (Sara Bareilles)—Yes, I got the CD because of “Love Song.” The whole CD is pretty good though.

-Nevermind (Nirvana)—Okay, so I never said anything about this being new music. I’ve recently re-discovered Nirvana. “Smells Like Teen Spirit” reminds me of the middle schoolers: "Here we are now/ Entertain us."

Exercise DVDs

-Yoga Quick Fixes—I really like this DVD. It’s a collection of short, Kundalini yoga sets targeting specific health concerns (like headaches, anxiety, PMS, back pain, etc.). The creators are so “cheesy hippy” that I actually find them funny. (For instance, they have these little rhyming sayings like, “Be kind and grind.” Okay, can anyone listen to that and not laugh at the innuendo?) I could see how people might find them annoying though. A lot of other yoga dvds are not good for me in the morning, as they make me sleepier. I find these dvds more energizing. The music is kind of yoga trance/dance. Another thing I like is that Anna is not excessively muscular with a fake tan. No, she’s white and pink, just like me! That makes me feel better. Also, she does most of the exercises on a pink shag carpet.

-Hot Body Cool Mind- Embark on the Journey (Jennifer Kries)—I like this DVD too. As with the one above, the segments can be combined or done separately, meaning lots of flexibility in workout length and intensity. This one has exercises from Chi Gung, hatha yoga, Taoist yoga, jazz, ballet and pilates. Jennifer seems saner (or more sober) than Anna and Brett. However, she is also tan and muscular.

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