I wrote a whole long post about this, but blogspot ate it. I will summarize by saying that I find this Academy Award nominee for best documentary, Jesus Camp, very interesting, and I'd like to discuss it with you so put it in your Netflix queue all quick like...or at the least, check out these links here, here and here. If you do rent, purchase, borrow, steal, illegally download or otherwise procure the DVD for your viewing entertainment, please be sure to watch the directors' commentary. It's just as interesting as the "main feature." Let me know when you watch it and what you think!
In other news, I have found striking similarities between my life and that of Veronica Mars (besides the murdered best friend, super-hot boyfriend, attack dog, affinity for tasers and the like). Other than it, the show could be autobiographical. Or something. Anyway, I'm currently camped out at the angst-fest which is Jacqui's Molasses and Taffy:
She stares at the phone in her hand for a few seconds until she feels Logan nuzzling the top of her head.
"I kinda hate the world, you know?"
His chest rises under her and she can't tell if it's because he tried to laugh or tried not to cry.
"Me too." He sighs. "Though I think it's mutual in my case."